Odysseus Wept Plot Summary (Part 3 of 3)


Once again, this synopsis was generated by an AI program — it is not perfect and has required a fair amount of correction and editing.

That being said, much of the third part of Odysseus Wept is meant to be a little, well, trippy. The AI program didn’t really know what to make of it, and that was kind of the point. If anyone has specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

A planet that used to orbit the Pyxidean sun but was diverted from its path by Fawso is on a collision course with Pyxidea – the Alphans are referring to the looming threat as “Bulletworld”.

The Alphans have used their time wisely – an enormous structure has been built that can channel all of the ships at the Alphans’ disposal into a common source of thrust – combined with antigravity technology acquired on Pyxidea, the hope is that this structure can be launched into space and provide a habitable space for the journey where the Alphans hope to return to the returning Moon from Earth. Moonbase Alpha, in wrecked condition, will need to be slowly rebuilt, so it will be a challenge for the Alphans to survive.

Ariana and Sam discuss their preparations for leaving this planet and their concerns about the journey ahead. They discuss the challenges they will face, such as rationing supplies and maintaining survival skills. Victor, on the other hand, is hesitant about leaving and visits his father, John Koenig, to try and convince him to come with them. John refuses and expresses his defiance towards the incoming planet. Victor acknowledges his father’s decision but expresses his sadness about their separation. Koenig, however, is resistant and explains that ever since his wife died, he hasn’t been able to maintain the illusion of hope. He believes that the universe is a raw deal and that the darkness is overwhelming without his wife’s light. Victor, concerned for his father’s well-being, argues that his depression is clouding his judgment and that it is irresponsible for him to make decisions in his condition. Koenig, however, insists that he is done with the struggle and wants to be left alone. They discuss practical concerns such as food and medical care, but Koenig remains steadfast in his decision not to leave. Victor expresses his grief for his father and his disappointment in having to leave him behind, but Koenig sees it as closure and insists that it is for the best.

Morrow reflects on the relationship between Koenig and Helena Russell and how her death has affected Koenig. He realizes that, although Helena and Tanya wouldn’t want their loved ones to stay, it is still difficult for them to leave. In the intervening years, Tanya’s death has left Morrow alone as well, but not as isolated as Koenig.

There are broken and new families on this world, and Maya’s daughter Zidony has grown up while Maya remains unchanged. Zidony is not with the person everyone expected her to be with, Victor Koenig, who tends to bury himself in his work. Zidony seems to be interested in one of the Benes-Cellini boys. Morrow, who has aged and watched the younger members of their community slowly assume command, wonders what their lives will be like in the future. He doubts that living in their makeshift space city will be a good life. Alan Carter joins Morrow and they discuss whether they will ever see a sunset again and the futility of their actions. They reflect on their age and their children. Sandra Benes is preparing to leave Pyxidea and reflects on her role and the future of Alpha. Maya and Victor discuss John Koenig’s declining health, while Koenig himself contemplates his own mortality. Maya tries to convince him to not give up on their journey together.

Koenig and Maya have a heartfelt conversation where Koenig expresses his desire to stay behind on the deserted world. Maya tries to convince him to come with them but he refuses, feeling that his time for adventure is over. They share a brief moment of affection before saying their goodbyes. Koenig then meets with Manzera, who agrees with his decision to stay. They discuss their regrets and the mistakes they’ve made. Koenig mentions that his wife died and he feels the need to atone for his actions. Manzera shares her own feelings of abandonment, having never known her mother and feeling like she had to prove her worth, given her father’s role in all that’s plaguing the Alphans on Pyxidea. They part ways and Koenig returns to his cabin. Later, the countdown for the ships to leave begins, and Koenig watches nervously. The slab with the ships lifts off successfully and Koenig is hopeful for their journey as the platform heads for space.

Ariana reminisces on the early discussions about the Eagles’ fuel situation. Victor Koenig had suggested that the Eagles should not burn fuel at all, which seemed preposterous at the time but now makes sense. The Eagles are ascending steadily, with the fuel burning evenly and the anti-gravity units functioning well. They are preparing for Stage Two and reaching space, where they will navigate towards the Moon. The entire journey holds significant importance, as so much depends on it. Once in space, the liquid fuel engines stop and they are free to navigate. Alan Carter declines the opportunity to steer and instead enjoys the ride.

With the platform successfully on its way to the rendezvous point with the Moon, Pyxidea is suddenly silent. Koenig reflects on the relationships that ended and feels relieved his friends are off the insane world. He decides to use his time productively and is determined to return to the now buried control room beneath the surface of Pyxidea, hoping he might find answers.

Koenig finds an automated Meeter that Manzera had prepared for him, offering comforts like music, videos of friends, and translation services. Koenig starts digging and contemplates finding answers before his own energy run out. He realizes the Meeter can provide some company and assistance, and they settle into their new routine.

Koenig is uncertain about how long he has left to live and doesn’t want to waste his energy on building a cabin. Suddenly, he hears a different voice and turns to find that it is Helena Russell. They reunite and Koenig explains that everyone else, including their son Victor, has left the planet and gone back to Alpha. There is now a twenty-five year age discrepancy between them, as Russell has been seemingly transported through time from the very moment Koenig thought she’d been killed. Russell is upset and wants to find a way to reach the Alphans, but Koenig explains that they are in space and it’s not possible to communicate with them. He has stayed behind because he wanted to try and get some answers about the mysteries of the planet. Koenig believes that something is trying to communicate with them and wants to explore further. Russell is skeptical, but Koenig shares his belief that time on this world is not linear and they may have been in this place before. He tells her about a vision he had of Victor Bergman and other characters from their past. Russell is unsure but agrees to listen to him.

They discuss their plan to dig their way back to the control room. Koenig explains that he did not stop others from filling it in because they would have thought he was crazy and unable to handle his grief. He believes that there might be something in the “messy spot in time” that can help them get to Alpha and reunite with their friends. They discuss the possibility of being wrong and the potential consequences. Koenig also reveals that he has been holding onto strands of Russell’s hair and explains why he believed she was still alive. They talk about their grief and the challenges they face in this strange world. They decide to start digging.

Moonbase Alpha, the base that had been barely habitable prior to evacuation, required significant repairs. Branch One, a nearby training base, was not large enough to accommodate everyone, so there was a possibility that a large portion of Alpha’s population would need to be placed in medical stasis to conserve resources. The situation seemed more dire to Ariana than what John Koenig had faced in 1999, as Alpha was in need of repairs and had a crew that was either young and inexperienced or old and experienced. Resources would be depleted just during the journey to the base, and the worst part was that there was little to do but wait. Ariana reflects on her life and the sequence of events that brought her daughter with Sam Morrow into existence, finding comfort in the mysterious workings of the universe.

Zidony, Maya’s daughter, understands her mother’s grief and tries regularly to be a supportive presence. Maya had lost multiple loved ones and Zidony wondered if anyone truly understood the extent of her mother’s pain. They discussed Maya’s late husband Tony Verdeschi and Zidony expressed a desire to rebuild his still when they reached Alpha, bringing a sense of closure. Maya reflected on her late husband’s love for them and expressed her pride in Zidony’s accomplishments.

Victor Koenig, was energized by the successful launch of the mission, feeling some pride as the primary architect of their escape environment, and mused about the importance of a computer system like Moonbase Alpha’s. He recognized the complexity of the system, which was designed by David Kano, who eventually became part of it.

David Kano’s consciousness had been indexed and stored inside Computer, but he had tried to reconstruct his consciousness before being disassembled and recycled by the garbage collection system. However, when the garbage collector was paused, Kano was able to rebuild himself and communicate with the Alphans when they’d faced an attempt by Maya’s people, the Psychons, to take over Alpha. Kano had merged with Psyche, an AI controlled by the Psychons, and had saved the base from the invading Psychons, finally resulting in the Psychons all losing their metamorphic abilities.

Victor realizes he will likely take on Kano’s responsibilities once they return to Alpha. Victor also reflects on his relationship with Zidony and Maya, realizing that he had misjudged the importance of his technical knowledge. Victor and Everly Morrow, the daughter of Tanya Alexander and Paul Morrow, discuss dinner plans and their mutual admiration for each other’s abilities.

Kandan Benes-Cellini prepares a special meal for a group of Alphans, including Victor, and the group jokes and discusses the changes on Alpha. The gathering applauds Victor for his successful mission, and Kandan and Victor acknowledge each other’s contributions. The group reflects on the impossibility of their situation and the cheerful attitude of everyone, but Sam Morrow reminds them that the challenges are not over. They enjoy their dinner and discuss the future.

Meanwhile, Koenig reflects on his relationship with Russell and his belief that she may not have been dead. He contemplates the dangers they may still face and the loss he has experienced. He and Russell prepare to explore a cavern filled with unknown possibilities.

Sandra Benes reports that there is still no telemetry from Alpha and it is expected to be several months before any is received. Ariana meets with morale leaders and finds that morale is surprisingly good among the group. Victor Koenig confirms that the radiation shields are working as expected and providing additional power to reserves.

Koenig and Russell have rekindled their intimacy and discuss the complexities of their relationship over the several months that have passed since the departure of the escape platform – Koenig and Russell have successfully found the chamber that will lead to the control room. They then embark on a journey to search for something in the dark area at the bottom the elevator shaft and encounter three figures, including Victor Bergman, from a moment in “The Final Revolution”. Bergman informs them that they are decades apart in time and they discuss their current situation. Suddenly, a glowing being appears and the three figures vanish. The being confirms that it is not Cryptodiran and that it had a role in sending Helena Russell through time. The space around them becomes distorted and a fiery arc appears.

Koenig finds himself in different locations and experiences disorientation and confusion. He encounters a green, rock-like mass with blinking eyes that communicates with him and expresses pity. Koenig questions why he is there and who he is speaking to, but receives vague responses. The scene shifts to a noisy stock market-like setting, and Koenig reflects on the losses and pain they have experienced on this world. He becomes disillusioned and contemplates taking control of his fate. The scene shifts again, and Koenig finds himself in different places including his office, a field, and a window facing space where he sees the Moon and Alpha. Despite uncertainty about his existence, Koenig is grateful for the sights he sees.

John Koenig is reunited with David Kano, who appears to have special abilities. They discuss Kano’s powers and his ability to manipulate time and space. Koenig questions Kano about his motives and why he saved Helena Russell. Kano explains that he is part of a larger entity and that their evolution is in danger. They mention a being called Fawso, who poses a threat to their existence.

Once they are reunited, Koenig and Russell discuss their next steps and how they can stop Fawso. They decide to take some time to rest and strategize before confronting him. They discuss the challenges they may face in finding him and decide to use their “magic jukebox” as a means of communication (the Meeter left behind by Manzera). They contact David Kano, who informs them that he cannot bring them directly to Fawso, but can bring them to the edge of the wall where they can observe. They agree to this plan and are transported to a place where they see Fawso interacting with another person named Uaria. Fawso becomes frustrated and decides to end the conversation, seemingly causing harm to Uaria – Uaria is a Titan, and Fawso has developed technology that can basically absorb them, providing nearly unlimited power. Koenig and Russell speculate on Fawso’s motives and discuss the potential implications for the Titans and their mission to Alpha. They realize the urgency of stopping Fawso and express their frustration at not having more support.

Now growing close to the Moon, Ariana and her team are receiving telemetry from Alpha, but they are unable to activate the command protocols. They suspect that something has taken over the base or that there has been a malfunction. They discuss the possibilities and decide to send an exploratory mission to investigate while the rest of the team stays on the platform. They also consider the possibility of an alien race having gained knowledge of their technology. They discuss the activation command and the potential for a system failure. Ultimately, they decide that someone needs to go to Alpha and investigate further. Morrow reflects on the mission and wonders about his own destiny.

A team consisting of Maya, Carter, and Morrow, approach the Moon in their spaceship. Maya tries to contact the command and control system but fails. They discuss the possibility of being attacked but decide to make their way to Branch One. As they land and enter Branch One, they hear a metallic scraping sound and notice a face-shaped figure approaching them. It turns out to be Dave Kano, who reveals himself as the leader of an army of metal men that have taken over Moonbase Alpha. Kano gives them five minutes to leave or face destruction. The crew contemplates their options and decides to withdraw.

They discuss the sudden connection between Branch One and the rest of the base and speculate about what might have caused it. Maya suggests that they focus on reaching their destination before discussing further. Carter is frustrated with the situation and prepares for a rough journey. Maya operates the communications system and checks if they can be heard. Morrow suggests that Bergman, who had access to repair bots, might be responsible for restoring still another Kano from a backup. They realize there could be multiple copies of Kano. As they depart, they hear a discussion about visitors on the communication system. Morrow shares his concerns with others and mentions the age difference between them. It is revealed that Koenig and Russell, who were thought to be dead, are actually alive and on the Eagle with them.

Ariana receives a message indicating that Branch One has been evacuated. She contacts Eagle One and learns that Koenig and Russell are among the passengers. The characters are surprised by this and engage in a conversation where Koenig explains how Russell’s survival is related to their encounter with the mechanized inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha. They discuss the possibility that Victor Bergman has left surprises for them and that Kano who joined with Psyche has become almost a god. They discuss Goltic generators that can cause an imbalance and potentially lead to the destruction of both universes. They question why Kano didn’t act while they were on Pyxidea. They realize that they must work backwards to understand the situation and discuss the timeline of events.

It is assumed that the other universe’s purpose is to kill Titans and use a generator as leverage against them. The Titans are beings that evolve into energy and the generator absorbs their energy. The technology used by the other universe is similar to Goma’s but not the same. It is said that the Titans come from their own universe and that Goma’s people are from a different universe or are less advanced members of beings from the other universe. The characters speculate about the similarities and differences in the technologies. It is mentioned that the Titans can destroy inactive generators, but they need humans to help with active ones. The location of the generator is unknown, but it is believed that Fawso ran a test that affected the Titans. The characters discuss strategies to counter Fawso’s abilities and compare his capabilities to the Titans. Fawso’s technology involves spatial dampening and the ability to lock things in time. The practical application of Fawso’s technology was to capture a Titan. The Titans have a perceived connection to a song and something that absorbs the song. The text also explores Fawso’s identity and his motivations for shaping the fates of worlds.

Fawso is described as someone who lacks the desire to connect with others and feels that acknowledging pain would make him less special. He has a history of being admired and given funding for his technological advancements, but eventually lost admiration due to his lack of delivering useful results. Fawso’s main motivation seems to be becoming a Titan, and he is willing to do whatever it takes, including threatening the Titans, to achieve this. His daughter, Manzera, describes him as someone who is dead inside and craves admiration above all else. Fawso’s plan involves using a generator that could potentially absorb others, including Titan Kano. The group, led by Ariana and Koenig, discusses the best course of action to stop the Kano on Alpha. They consider the possibility of compromising with Kano and the army of robots under his control. They also discuss the idea of Fawso stopping the planet from hitting Pyxidea, but conclude that it is unlikely due to Fawso’s lack of concern for others. Ultimately, their primary goal is to stop Fawso’s generator and allow the Titans to cross over, balancing the dimensions.

It is revealed that Fawso wanted to blackmail the Titans into allowing him to become a Titan himself using a hidden generator. The group speculates on why Fawso needs David Kano and why Pyxidea is significant. Victor Koenig proposes a theory that the generators are actually power cells and that the Titans should have transferred to another universe when the last generator was destroyed. However, the Titans remain, suggesting that something is preventing the transfer. The characters also discuss the possibility that their time in the other universe with the Ruans may have caused a weakening in space. The conversation ends with uncertainties about Fawso’s intentions and their plan to stop him.

They discuss the theory that the availability of fully charged and powerful Titans may be the trigger for a transference to another universe. They speculate that Fawso has been tapping into the Titans’ power to prevent this from happening, ensuring he remains the dominant force. The conversation then turns to the need to communicate with the other universe and potentially work together. It is decided that David Kano should try to talk to the David Kano in command of Alpha. They also discuss the possibility of a mission to Pyxidea, where the Titans are in danger. They acknowledge that it may be a one-way trip and that they will need to figure out how to help the Titans while dealing with Fawso. The characters recognize the challenges and uncertainties of their plans, but are determined to persevere. Meanwhile, Sandra Benes receives a transmission from another David Kano on Alpha, who is seeking help. It is revealed that there may be multiple versions of David Kano in existence, with two on Alpha and another in the process of becoming a Titan.

David Kano’s consciousness remembers when he had been cached and indexed by Computer, allowing him to remain alive in a virtual state. However, he continually faces the need to reintegrate himself into memory and is stuck in a cycle of integration and disintegration. Eventually, Sandra turns off the garbage collection process during the Psychon invasion and David regained consciousness and is backed up. While one David Kano merged with Psyche and becomes god-like, the restored backup version remains in Computer’s memory. Victor Bergman leaves instructions for David to fix the destroyed base, with the possibility that the crew may return in twenty-five years. David reflects on his loneliness and the inability to fulfill his desires now that his physical body is gone.

Benes communicates with a version of David Kano and discusses the Psychons. The conversation is cut off, and Benes realizes that the Alphan David Kano has no interest in speaking with god-like. The crew prepares to leave, knowing that the planetary collision is imminent between Pyxidea and Bulletworld.

In this passage, the characters are preparing to embark on a risky mission to stop Fawso and save the universe. They express their gratitude to Bob Mathias for his joint therapy research that has helped keep them mobile as they’ve aged. Ariana is distraught at the possibility of not returning from the mission. Victor Koenig realizes his mistakes as a son and embraces his parents. The group says goodbye and leaves for their mission. God-like Kano transports them and they arrive at an underground chamber and encounter Slath-zar back on Pyxidea.

Ariana and Victor Koenig discuss the possibility of Victor Bergman’s contingency plan involving multiple copies of David Kano. They speculate on the different versions of Kano they have encountered and discuss the importance of fear in decision-making. They believe that the fearful Kano is still loyal and could be an ally on Moonbase Alpha.

Koenig and his team, consisting of Maya, Russell, Carter, and Morrow, along with Manzera, discuss the possibility of the pocket universe touching their location and the potential for weakened space. As they descend in the elevator, they reflect on their mission and the stakes they face. Koenig says goodbye to his team members, expressing gratitude and admiration.

Meanwhile, Ariana and her group discuss their options for infiltrating Alpha and defeating Kano’s forces. They consider cutting the power, finding command codes, battling their way in, and creating multiple copies of anxious Kano. Kano interrupts their discussion and presents an alternative strategy based on exploiting the networked nature of the metal repair drones. He explains that the control node must be authorized and he may be able to provide updates to the system.

They come up with a plan to change the network address of the soldiers to point to “their” David Kano, so that when the soldiers reboot, they will connect to the designated control node without realizing the change. They then discuss what “their” David Kano will tell the soldiers to do.

Meanwhile, Koenig and the others are in a metaphysical state, trying to communicate and navigate through a land of metaphors, where reality is very much in question. They find themselves in a funeral scene where to escape, they must pass through the coffin, then they are in water, and they must go down in order to come up. They eventually reach a beach, where they find a cave where they find Fawso, who wants to be rewarded and become like the Titans. The group confronts Fawso about his sacrifices and his actions.

Manzera and Fawso argue about their past and present actions. Manzera accuses Fawso of being driven by evil and vows to stop him. They discuss the risks their actions pose to others. Koenig realizes that Fawso’s explosive weapon could potentially destroy the generator, allowing the Titans to transfer. However, they also realize that even if Fawso is stopped, the Titans still don’t know how to transfer. They discuss the potential significance of Pyxidea and the presence of the Slath-zar there. They debate whether it’s best to keep the generator or move the Slath-zar somewhere safe. Koenig decides to stay with Manzera and try to reason with Fawso, while Maya, Carter, and Morrow try to get back and contact Kano. They part ways, hoping to find a solution to the crisis.

Ariana asks about rebooting a robot soldier, and Benes and Victor indicate that it may be more difficult than depicted in movies.The group is trying to find a way to disable the repair drones turned soldiers. They consider using an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to fry the drones, but worry about the potential damage it would cause on Alpha. They also explore the possibility of rebooting the drones through a maintenance upgrade, but realize it would require privileged access. They discuss different methods of breaking into a protected network, including physical proximity, brute force, and social engineering. Kano reveals that he is the one who instructs the drones to reboot, but cannot find a command to do so. They then come up with a plan to manipulate the virtual memory mapper to alter some of the data in Kano’s memory, potentially stealing control of his army.

Carter, Morrow, and Maya continue their journey and encounter metaphors that lead them to different environments. They eventually find themselves in a field of cornstalks with a rusted threshing machine and hear footsteps approaching. Carter is surprised to see that it is Eroca, but Morrow sees Tanya, while Maya sees Mentor. Maya, Carter, and Morrow discuss a possible message from the Titans and decide to leave the cornfield.

Meanwhile, Koenig plans to negotiate with Fawso, using a projection to stay safe. Fawso is busy but not threatened by Koenig’s presence. Koenig tries to convince Fawso to share the song with him. The group discusses the link between the Cryptodira and Slath-Zar and the possibility that the song is a signal for the other universe. They also consider Fawso’s fate and the idea that the Titans are being “harvested.” Russell questions Manzera’s motives but eventually trusts her.

Ariana reflects on the weight of the future and the desire for stability. She joins a meeting where Kano is ready to modify the Virtual Memory Map protocol to reboot the soldiers.

Ariana and her team are preparing for Operation Influx. They plan to switch control of the base from the enemy Kano to their own Kano. Kano will issue a stand-down order and they hope to face no resistance. They will head for Computer Control to restore their original command. They discuss what to do with Kano, and though it feels like killing a friend, they choose to isolate him. The crew starts the operation and the Eagles begin their flight to the base. They observe no immediate resistance from the enemy. There is uncertainty about what the enemy Kano is capable of and they hope their plan works.

Meanwhile, Morrow and his team are trying to contact Kano. They catch an elevator to the tunnel and plan to reach the surface to send a message. They pass through the tunnel and reach Pyxidea’s surface. They see a large orange-shaped disk in the sky, indicating the impending destruction of the planet. They discuss the timeline and possibility of stopping the destruction by killing the Space Brain and the Cryptodira.

Maya suggests that the Slath-zar may sing to the Titans while the Cryptodira control them. Morrow questions whether the Titans are aware of this. Carter expresses concern about the potential destruction of the Slath-zar by Fawso. Kano reveals that he is losing his ability to manipulate matter and cannot save the Slath-zar or move them from the planet.

Koenig tells Fawso that Pyxidea has important information and that the Titans rely on the song of the Slath-zar. Carter, Maya, and Morrow continue their journey to find the opening to another universe. They encounter a mysterious voice that claims to remember Mahud but does not remember Maya.

The group realizes that they wasted valuable time and are now facing a dire situation. They encounter Zeo, a familiar acquaintance, who reveals that the Titans, including David Kano, are a part of them and they have the ability to transform matter. However, their powers are limited and they are unable to prevent the collision between the two planets or move the Slath-Zar.

Ariana and her team cautiously proceed through the base, hoping that Kano’s work was successful.

Morrow contemplates the inevitability of their situation and suggests finding a way to make the Slath-Zar sing before the collision occurs. Zeo, feeling powerless, agrees to leave and inform the Titans while Morrow realizes the grim reality that they are all likely to die, including Ariana.

Koenig tries to convince Fawso that saving the Slath-zar is more important than becoming a Titan. Fawso reveals that the Titans lied to him and he wants to be more powerful than them.

Zeo becomes part of a collective cloud of minds but still maintains his individuality. He learns that his abilities outside of the cloud can be used to help his friends in danger.

On Alpha Gentry searches for immobilized metal soldiers to confirm the mission, but knows that time is of the essence and lives are at stake. Gentry and his squad continue to move deeper into the base, finding no signs of the enemy. However, they are stopped by a squad of metallic fighters who tell them that their adversary is inside and needs to be contained. The realization hits that their adversary plans to destroy the entire base, including the nuclear facilities and life support systems. Ariana suggests talking him out of it, but this Kano seems determined to die. They try to contact someone on Alpha for help but find that they have been surrounded and disarmed. Ariana decides to go plead their case to Kano, but the chances of success are slim.

Koenig and his team realize that they are in a pocket universe and need to find a way to trap Fawso and take his generator. They devise a plan to distract Fawso and attempt to incapacitate him while they figure out his technology. The hope is that they can then turn off the pocket universe and return to Pyxidea.

Fawso and Koenig have a conversation in which Koenig tries to convince Fawso to share his story and experiences. Fawso initially refuses, but Koenig explains the importance of stories in inspiring others. Fawso eventually agrees. Meanwhile, Maya and the rest of the team head for the surface to search for a Slath-zar. They discuss the theory that the generators created an imbalance in another universe, and that there may have never been any magic involved. They also realize that the Titans have been sacrificing themselves for nothing, as the generators are now gone. They theorize that Fawso’s generator could create a new imbalance. They are able to immobilize Fawso and restrain him.

Morrow and Carter discuss how the Fessa Union is responsible for the imbalance that led to the destruction. They believe that destroying the generators is the solution. Maya is concerned that John and Helena may potentially cause more imbalance by trying to use the generator.

Sandra Benes contacts Ariana and informs her of a recorded message from Victor Bergman about repairs to Moonbase Alpha. Ariana confronts Kano and tries to appeal to his emotions but fails.

Koenig and Manzera try to understand the technology and systems they are looking at and discuss the possibility of capturing Bulletworld or creating a doorway for it to pass through without damaging Pyxidea. They also realize that the metaphors they experience are not their actual reality.

Koenig and Russell are on high alert, ready to defend themselves when footsteps approach. Carter, Maya, and Morrow join the group, explaining that they were able to retrace their steps and bring news. They discuss the Slath-zar and reveal that they have figured out a complex situation that may not please everyone. They wonder if perhaps everyone has been misled – that there is no real connection between the Titans offering themselves up and an energy imbalance rectified – it was the generators that caused the imbalance in the first place.

Zeo and Kano have a conversation about their ability to move between different universes and their connection to a greater mind. They discuss their abilities and the possibility of making Kano physically alive again. Zeo suggests seeking help from the Alphans, and Kano agrees to try contacting them. Kano’s thoughts go silent, and he connects with someone named Mahud, the mother of Maya and one of the earliest voices in Psyche.

Meanwhile, Koenig and the others ponder the implications of their current situation, questioning their trust and judgment. They discuss the Titans, the generators, and the possibility of other cultures building new generators. They also consider the potential dangers of this technology. The group decides to bring Fawso into the conversation and hear his perspective on the situation.

Fawso suggests using the generator to deflect the planet that is heading towards Pyxidea, with the intention of eventually switching it off and saving the indigenous life on the planet. Manzera questions whether they can trust Fawso, but he insists they do not have the luxury of time to establish trust. Fawso guides Manzera to a control panel that can disengage the pocket universe they are in, allowing them to return to Pyxidea’s surface. The group debates whether to trust Fawso and the Titans, with some questioning the sacrifices they may have to make.

Meanwhile, Zeo and Kano appear before them, explaining that they have been following a signal and warning that the base is in danger. Maya speaks to Zeo and Kano, surprised by their presence. The group discusses the need to choose between sacrificing the base or trusting in Fawso’s plan. They realize they cannot read Fawso’s thoughts but suggest using the fog, a part of Mahud’s collective, to gain insight. Zeo and Kano decide to go to Alpha.

Ariana explores the deserted Main Mission, feeling a sense of acceptance of the current situation. Ariana is feeling defeated as she believes the end is near and they have run out of options. She reflects on the repaired base that no longer belongs to them and the destruction she is about to witness. She is surprised to see Zeo and another familiar face, Kano, who have come to offer help. Zeo explains that they have uncoupled from the collective and have been somewhat restored to their natural states. Kano reveals that he will attempt to contain his other selves in order to remove the ghost in the machine and be sucked out of Computer.

Mahud, the mother of Maya, joins them and explains that she will regrow Kano from base cells to restore him to a living human being. Ariana agrees to support them in their mission to defeat the version of Kano that poses a threat to the base.

Meanwhile, Koenig engages in a discussion with Fawso and feels the weight of time, unsure of what is happening in the larger universe. He reflects on the vastness of space and the need to find a new home for humanity. Unexpectedly, Koenig and Helena Russell are beckoned by Victor Bergman and they enter a distortion in the wall, experiencing a momentary vertigo. Bergman explains that he had been falling and was on his way back to Alpha. They discuss the events that have unfolded and Bergman offers to help in any way he can. However, they realize that they won’t be able to make it back to Alpha, but appreciate the opportunity to say goodbye. As they ponder their situation, they notice a cloud of mist approaching them. They hear a voice that can understand them and learn that Fawso plans to trigger his generator, causing a power drain.  Instead, the voice wants to release the not dead but merely imprisoned Titans he has captured. The voice instructs them to destroy the generator after the release of the Titans and they agree to carry out this task.

Koenig expresses skepticism towards a mysterious voice that claims to have the truth. The voice reveals that it knows of Koenig and his interactions with others. It explains that it is not a god but is aware of everything around them and wants their help to avoid unnecessary complexity. The voice instructs Koenig, Russell, and Bergman to capture Fawso and complete a task to free the captive Titans. It reveals that Fawso’s generator has been collecting Titans and Fawso believes that triggering it will allow Fawso to become a Titan. Koenig recognizes similarities to something Arra had mentioned before. The voice discusses the concept of metaphors and implies that they are speaking to some sentient aspect of the universe itself. The voice proposes a plan where Koenig, Russell, and Bergman will lose themselves and adapt mentally to accomplish their task. Koenig initially resists but eventually accepts the unfair choice. They bid farewell to their friends and prepare for what lies ahead.

Benes and Victor Koenig coordinate information while Gentry and his group encounter unexpected movement from the sentinels. Gentry warns Ariana that the soldiers on Alpha are reprogramming each other and that they need to run for their safety. They learn that Kano’s soldiers are after each other but will eventually come after them. Ariana receives a communication from Benes that Tyrant Kano is back and has a protocol to regain control of his soldiers.

Ariana realizes that there must be another Kano with Zeo and Maya’s mother, and they plan to restore Kano to life to contain the Kanos in Computer. Kano and Zeo and Mahud meet another being in their collective called Phanes. Phanes explains that he can bring some of living David Kano to the dead Kano’s body, resulting in Kano being alive again. Kano is concerned about the sentient version of himself in Computer and how to deal with it. They agree to work together to save Alpha.

Koenig and Russell return through the wall to the others, and Koenig reflects on the bond between the members of Moonbase Alpha. They steal the Meeter containing Fawso and his generator and bid their friends a quick farewell, then go back into the wall.

Koenig, Russell, and Fawso find themselves in a mysterious place. They are eventually joined by a voice that reveals Fawso’s true nature and intervenes to stop his destructive actions.

Fawso is confronted by Emena, a woman from the Fessa Union who accuses him of murdering Manzera. Fawso denies this and tries to activate something in his Meeter, but Emena declares that his power is gone and it’s time for his ending. Koenig and Russell share a moment of understanding and prepare themselves.

In a waiting area for what appears like an old railroad station, two strangers find themselves connected as they try to prevent a mysterious suitcase from opening. They discover that they are connected and that others need to know the truth. As they prevent the suitcase from opening, they feel the strong bond between them and one of them reaches out to share their experience.  Surprisingly, from many years before, a woman named Tabitha Rowe has received their message and typed it on a keyboard, the message read by Victor Bergman and Helena Russell in Medical Center, as portrayed at the end of Space: 1999 Alpha.

Transported back to Alpha, Carter, Maya, and Morrow watch with fascination as Kano is resurrected before their eyes, with Kano experiencing sensations and emotions for the first time.

Gentry and Ariana are waiting for the doors to open in the Commander’s Office, prepared to defend themselves against the mechanized soldiers. They discuss their options, realizing that their lasers are ineffective against the enemy. Suddenly, the soldiers enter the room, but Gentry suggests shooting the ceiling to create a distraction. They successfully immobilize one soldier, but Gentry is injured when part of the ceiling falls on him. Ariana is left to fight on her own.

Kano prepares to connect to the computer system, aware of the dangers involved. He engages in a dialogue with the computer, trying to convince the version of himself inside it not to destroy the base. Kano suggests merging their consciousnesses to create a new integrated David Kano. The computer version is initially skeptical but agrees to consider it.

Ariana successfully takes down one soldier using her wit and agility. Despite her efforts, the soldier overpowers her and begins to strangle her. However, before it can kill her, Ariana hears Kano’s voice from the soldier, remarking how her parents have created an amazing woman.

Ariana then hears Alan Carter’s voice and realizes that he and the others who were previously believed to be dead are actually alive and have returned to Alpha.

They all reunite in Main Mission. They discuss the events that have unfolded and express their gratitude for each other’s efforts. They acknowledge the losses they have endured but also recognize the strength and resilience of their community. The now fully human Kano returns to his station in Main Mission to a surprised crew of Alpha.

Now in charge of a fully restored Moonbase Alpha, Ariana instructs the crew to begin their new shift of duty.

Victor visits John Koenig’s grave on Boot Hill and reflects on the journey they have been on, realizing that they have all grown and changed. He plans to create a suburb on the Moon and decides to sleep for a month before starting this project with Everly Morrow at his side.

An epilogue portrays two intelligences, now in some new place, where they watch others who are watching them, suggesting that some new adventure is beginning as they take each other’s hand.

What’s New? September 2024

So, it’s over a year since the Powys Media books were all put out of print, and yours truly hasn’t heard a word in a very long time, so moving on…

I’m currently working on getting Mary’s Monster up into the Kindle environment — this will be a slightly modified version of the original release — not the rewritten version that may or may not see the light of day. Hoping to have the new edition up and running by Halloween of 2024.

For the first time in about twenty years, I’ve finished a novel that’s outside of Space:1999 — and you don’t get to know much about it yet! Going to be approaching some literary agents on this one (and hopefully a back channel into the film industry) — I’ll say this — it’s a Cold War thriller that takes place during the making of a famous 1970s film. I’ve been meaning to get this book written for about…twenty years!

I’ll post any updates about Mary’s Monster soon — if that goes well, I may (not promising) work to get some other works on Kindle.

Hope you’re all enjoying the last dregs of summer!