9 thoughts on “Odysseus Wept Uncovered”

    1. Came across an email you wrote me years ago after finishing The Final Revolution (in what sounds like one sitting), Robert — I don’t think you’re gonna make this one in one sitting! But the wait should be over soon. Let me know what you think when you finish!

  1. Beautiful cover by Ken Scott as per usual!

    Very much looking forward to reading the conclusion of our beloved Alphan’s odyssey!

    I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.

    Thanks for finishing it Bill.

  2. Really? Wow! That’d be ace!

    Saying that, I still haven’t gotten over what happened to Bill Fraser in “The Final Revolution” šŸ˜¢

  3. The other shoe will drop on the Bill Fraser situation, trust me…not that there is necessarily a reason when bad characters kill good characters. Bill’s death has a ripple effect.

  4. Hello! Thanks for keeping the Space 1999 flame alive. Iā€™m working on a treatment for a reimagining of the Maya spinoff and wanted to know if you could tell me the process you and the publisher went through for acquiring the rights from ITV for Odysseus Wept and your other 1999 novels. Looking forward to reading it! Thanks again! šŸ˜Š


    1. Johnny Byrne lobbied Carlton Media directly back in 2001 or so — don’t imagine you can follow the same path. As far as I know Powys has exclusive rights to new novels, so you may struggle there as well…try reaching out to Powys but historically the position has been no unsolicited manuscripts. I’m not involved with the publishing arm anymore, but good luck!

      1. Thanks, William. I will contact the publisher about information on the rights process, if they’re willing to divulge. šŸ˜€ Yeah, I didn’t intend to submit to them anyway since it’s pretty common practice not to accept unsolicited submissions. Take care!

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